Thursday, November 6, 2014

Stealth nerf to ISBoxing ganks?

CCP is now coming under fire for an alleged stealth-nerf to ISBoxer ganks with claims of the Global Criminal popup not disappearing on multiple clients despite repeated attempts to click the "OK" button.

Normally, when someone starts firing upon a ship in highsec, and he attempts to warp off, he'll receive a popup stating in short that he is unable to warp off because he's flagged as a criminal. Normally, you can click the "OK" button and attempt to warp off again. However, that is apparently not the case. Players attempting to warp pods off grid are greeted with a surprise: The window will not close. No matter how hard you click the "OK" button, it stays there, mocking your attempts to save your pod.

Now, normally a popup window is no real worry. You can click the warp button again and it will send the command to the server and check if you can. But with the Global Criminal popup, your screen is locked to that single small popup, rendering you unable to warp off even if you click the "Warp To" button again.

When an ISBoxer is attempting to warp off in his pods, it is key that the popup is dismissed as fast as possible.

Currently, we are awaiting CCP's responses to the petitions for reimbursement on the pods. We are optimistic that CCP will make the right choice and replace the implants, but it has been pointed out that CCP is between a rock and a hard place:

If they reimburse the pods, they'll acknowledge that ISBoxers can engage in PVP activities.

If they don't, they'll be confirming that they are going to ban either ISBoxer PVP in the future, or ISBoxer in all formats.

We await the response of the GMs.

If a CCP representative would like to discuss ISBoxer in EVE, please don't hesitate to message me.

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