Friday, December 26, 2014

Sorry for the delay

Sorry for the delay, work took an unexpected turn so I haven't had much free time, but when I can I work on the DIN post at work. Hopefully it will be out soon.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Minor update

I forgot to mention that I'm still paying up to 5b for someone to kill Nolak Ataru and bring me his corpse.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Change in focus.

"Censorship is telling a man he cannot have a steak because a baby cannot chew it" - Mark Twain

In their infinite wisdom, CCP has decided to listen to the SJW-equivalent crowd of EVE Online (the ones who take offense to doing anything different than the way they do things), this blog will shift focus to a broader aspect of EVE Online.

Tonight's focus: the newish HQ incursion community "Warp To Me Incursions".

Originally founded by a group of The Valhalla Project FCs who disliked TVP moving away from it's original purpose (training new guys and getting them into HQ incursions), WTM was founded as a newbro-friendly community with an emphasis on fun and no-drama. Most everyone is welcome if they can fit a Battleship with Tech-2 tank and Tech-2 Damage mods (gyros, heat sinks, mag stabs). Boasting an FC pool that has seen some troubles in numbers (more on that later), WTM was a beacon of hope for new players looking to get into the incursion game with near 24/7 coverage. The minimum tank requirements (100k EHP and 70% resists, Passive EM Amp, DC2) are easy enough to hit, and there's a helpful rookie guide to help ease new players into the gist of things.

However WTM has recently gone through a reshuffle, what with one founder running off after turning full paranoid and accusing everyone of some great big conspiracy, and in the related drama over 13 FCs, training FCs, and Logi Masters (don't ask, it's confusing) left because of the shitflinging from leadership and officers, and from a lack of actual officers and leadership who play the game.

Sparta93, generally considered and acknowledged as the "head" of WTM, has stepped down as a founder and is retained in what can only be described as an "adviser with benefits" role. He's been busy with RL work and college, and rarely deals with inter-personnel issues, preferring to let the "Human Resources" officer deal with it despite being asked directly to intervene on several instances, even before he stepped down.
Aura Union rarely logs in except to move boosters, beg donations, and generally shit on the FCs. He has even reported to have actively bullied one FC to the point of quitting, and then subsequently lied to the other leadership about the incident, actively blocking the player from returning after he was urged to do so by another leadership member, and claiming that he was burnt out and fatigued when called to answer for his actions. If he was truly burnt out and fatigued, he should have removed himself from actively blocking the FC from returning after being asked to return by another Leadership.
Nara is a dedicated pilot and generally doesn't get in the middle of the drama, however he is also unwilling to take a stand against someone like Aura when the latter goes on a rampage. Nara runs fast fleets even when handed new pilots, and shows a dedication to the founding principles that is sadly lacking anywhere else.
Lino Moe, the HR officer, is generally very good at what he does but he suffers from the unwillingness to try to talk to pilots who bring up issues with him. That coupled with a tendency to never put another officer in his place if the latter causes trouble makes one feel as if they're talking to a CCP Dev with their doubletalk, weasel words, and lack of backbone.
MrWacko is a no-nonsense character with a willingness to stand up for what he believes in, however according to some, that backbone has just got him thrown out for telling Aura to back down after Aura went on one of his ragefests.
Den Talidar is a relatively new face, having flown up from being an FC to an officer in a very short time. No explanation given as to why he was chosen over someone who had been there longer, but his recent stand with Aura over the returning FC demonstrates that he was picked as a "yes man"; someone who wouldn't cause waves or prove to have a backbone.

While not an officer or leadership, we must mention Canyon as she is returning as an FC after a spat of drama with WTM and her sudden departure for ISN. No words on whether she's looking to snag an Officer seat, but there are many who are disgruntled with here privately because of her "abandonment" during the drama, not to mention her headbutting with FCs after she applied back to WTM. Still, she's a solid FC and was one of the founders.

Edit: A few we've forgotten.

Sandman is a very good pilot and FC, and manages to run fast and fun fleets. He doesn't mind standing up for himself or members of his fleet, though he has been somewhat silent in recent events regarding officer decisions. Quite possibly one of the best FCs to fly with, both in a isk/hour sense and a fun sense.

Chill Machine is a decent enough guy but one without backbone to stand up to the likes of Aura when he goes on a tantrum. He runs, for lack of a better term, "chill" fleets.

The "should we ban this guy" policy of WTM is fairly strange. Players are generally given a few chances in-fleet or on comms to not do something outrageously dangerous to the health of the fleet before action is taken. However, their use of the "no drama" rule has lead to what can only be described as censorship or active silencing of those who would attempt to expose the inner drama and inner politics of WTM. There's also the penchant for "ban first, ask questions later" among the leadership, as well as a "ignore issues raised by FCs regarding officers" that's lead to quite a number of problems.

As to the identity of said FC who was asked to return by Leadership, one must only look at who has suddenly disappeared from the WTM FC roster and subsequently banned from WTM altogether to figure out who it is. Said pilot forwarded me the correspondence between him and the WTM officer who urged him to return, as well as a "never come back" message sent from a burner toon.

For any new players seeing this and wondering if they should start out in WTM, take this FC's advice and go to TVP. Less of a chance to get shafted by an FC or leadership.
A quote from House M.D. comes to mind here, and I'm paraphrasing: "The test of a man is how he treats those he has power over". It is of the opinion of this FC and the FC that was recently banned from WTM that Aura Union and the other officers of WTM have failed this test. If they are willing to play the politicians game of not holding each other accountable for an FC, whats to say they won't do that for a regular pilot?

If this is seen as a hit-piece, so be it. This is written from a perspective of a former pilot and FC of WTM, so anything here is merely my observations and take on players and their interaction with others.

Next week, I'll take a look at DIN-Flotten, the German HQ community with a healthy number of multiboxers, and I'll look at what the future might hold in store for them with the broadcasting ban.